
What Millennials Need to Know about Insurance

What Millennials Need to Know about Insurance

As a millennial, you may not have given much thought to insurance. After all, you’re probably healthy and don’t own much. But insurance is actually something that everyone should have, even millennials. Here’s what you need to know about insurance.

First, what is insurance? Insurance is a way to protect yourself financially in case of an accident, illness, or other unexpected events. It’s basically a safety net.

There are different types of insurance, but the two most common are health insurance and life insurance. Health insurance covers medical expenses, while life insurance pays out a death benefit to your loved ones in the event of your death.

You may not think you need insurance, but it’s actually a good idea to have it. You never know when you might get sick or have an accident. And if something happens to you, your family will be grateful that you had insurance.

So, if you are a young person who doesn’t have much money, how does that change when you become a parent? Well, it depends. If you have a high-risk profession, or if you consistently spend more than $3,000 a year on healthcare, then you should seriously consider getting life insurance.

The best way to decide what type of life insurance you need is to talk to your agent.


5 Insurance Mistakes Millennials Make and How to Avoid them

5 Insurance Mistakes Millennials Make and How to Avoid them

5 Insurance Mistakes Millennials Make and How to Avoid them

When it comes to insurance, millennials often make mistakes that can have long-term consequences. Here are five of the most common mistakes millennials make with their insurance, and how to avoid them:

1. Not Shopping Around for the Best Rates:

  • When it comes to insurance, it’s important to shop around for the best rates. There are a lot of different insurance companies out there, so it’s important to compare rates before you decide on a policy.

2. Not Reading the Fine Print:

  • Another mistake millennials make with their insurance is not reading the fine print. It’s important to understand the terms and conditions of your policy before you sign up for it.

3. Not Getting Enough Coverage:

  • Another common mistake millennials make is not getting enough coverage. Make sure you understand the coverage you’re getting and that it’s enough to protect you in the event of an accident or unforeseen circumstance.

4. Not Reviewing your Insurance Policy:

  • It’s easy to click “Accept” when a friend, parent, or colleague offers you a discount card for your favorite store. But it’s not so easy to review your policies when you need to file a claim. Make sure to look over your insurance records to make sure everything is up to date.


  • If you don’t trust your insurance company, you probably don’t trust your agent, either. Read reviews of the agent before you hire him or her. To keep things simple, look for an agent who is either a member of the National Association of Insurance Commissioners (NAIC) or the American Statistical Association (ASA). Both organizations monitor state and federal regulators to ensure that agents provide correct information.